Pathways of Light: Meeting Your Spirit Guide Workshop
Join us for one of our favorite workshops designed to help you establish a connection with your Spirit Guide. Through a blend of interactive discussions, guided meditations, and introspective exercises, you will discover ways to identify the prescence of and communicate your Spirit Guides.
We will start with conversations about the concept of Spirit Guides, their significance, and the diverse forms they may take across different cultures and belief systems. Time will be spent discussing the different ways Guides can make their presence known and the ways in which we receive messages from them. From there we will move to a guided meditation tailored to facilitate a deeper understanding of your inner self and to create a receptive state for connecting with your Spirit Guide.
We will end with by discussing practical techniques and tips for maintaining and nurturing your connection with your Spirit Guide and talking about personal signs, symbols, and intuitive cues that may already be guiding you in your daily life.
Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a profound journey within and establish a lasting connection with your Spirit Guide. Step into the realm of the unseen, ready to embrace the wisdom and guidance waiting to be discovered.
Cost: $30.00
Limited to 24 people.